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by Super Admin 9 August, 2024 0 Comment Brand Authority

Build An Incredible Brand People Will Remember

To succeed in today's fierce market (no matter what industry you're in), you need to build a brand. Take a look at some of the biggest brands in the world: Apple, Alibaba, McDonald's, Nike &     Walmart

Don't they all ring a bell? When you think of a company like Apple, what do you think of?

Here's what most people can think of:

- Simple yet sophisticated

- High-tech/innovative

- Great designs

And what about McDonald's?

- The golden arches

- Consistent taste and service no matter which McDonald's you go to

The bottom line is, these are companies that have stuck with consumers. That's exactly how you want to build your brand, even if you're trying to build a small business or personal brand.

Why Is Branding So Important?

A brand is your identity. It's what you stand for. Without a clear sense of identity and a clear mission statement, why would people consider following you? Did you know that 76% of US consumers interact with brands or products before arriving at its store?

It shows just how important building a good brand is.

What Are The Benefits of Building of Branding?

Here are a few big reasons why you need to build a brand:

1. Increased exposure to your product/service/cause/company

2. Memorability. A brand is a sign of good will. It's your reputation that people will remember.

3. It creates loyalty. It creates an emotional bond.

4. It enables you to set a price premium. Loyal consumers will pay the premium since they believe in it so much.

5. It differentiates you from the market.

6. It creates greater company equity. You'll attract investors and growth.

With that said, how can you get started building your brand? Where do you even start?

The good news is, the Samex platform provides you with guidance that you can follow so that you can start building an incredible brand. You discover how to be everywhere, stand out from your competition and build an incredible brand!

This is THE essential mentoring system on branding. If you're just starting out, this is the perfect companion.

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